This factory specializes in the production of office supplies. We mainly produce wooden clamps, file bags, file boxes, envelopes, etc. The wooden clamps are available in thicknesses of 0.4mm to 0.5mm. Our main models include A3, A4, 16K, 32K, etc. We can also custom-make products according to customer requirements. For A4, there are 100 pieces per piece and 50 pieces per piece. For 16K, there are 100 pieces per piece. For 32K, there are 160 pieces per piece. The file bags come in weights of 150g, 180g, 200g, 250g, and 250g with an additional 4cm width. There are 50 pieces per plastic sealed set. The file boxes are available in 560g, 2-6cm in size, with 300 pieces per piece. The acid-free paper file boxes are 640g, 2-6cm in size, with 250 pieces per piece. The imported paper file boxes are 250 pieces per piece. We can also custom-make products according to customer requirements. Envelopes are available in kraft paper and white paper in sizes 2-9. There are 5000 pieces per piece for sizes 2-7 and 2000 pieces per piece for size 9.