latex gloves industrial gloves
Packaging information: |
Product Name: Dishwashing Latex Rubber Rubber Household Waterproof Durable Rubber Leather Wear-resistant Laundry Protection Gloves
Product Material: Please consult the customer service for details.
Product specifications: Please consult the customer service for details.Product color: As shown in the picture Shop address: 24 Street, 2nd Floor, Door 80, Zone 4, Yiwu International Commerce City, 37279 A Contact information: 13606891823 Telephone: 0579-85371223
Product Material: Please consult the customer service for details.
Product specifications: Please consult the customer service for details.Product color: As shown in the picture Shop address: 24 Street, 2nd Floor, Door 80, Zone 4, Yiwu International Commerce City, 37279 A Contact information: 13606891823 Telephone: 0579-85371223