new multi-function electric cooker wholesale smart household electric cooker kitchen appliances small appliances square cooker one-piece delivery
Packaging information: |
We produce and sell our own products, with ample supplies. For large orders, we can discuss the details. Our prices have absolute advantages! We offer competitive pricing for larger orders.
About after-sales service:
1. Please inspect the goods upon receipt. If the goods are damaged or deformed, please refuse to accept them, and we will send you a new product for free.
2. For after-sales quality issues (including self-service pickup points), we offer a replacement service. We will only bear the one-way shipping cost (we will not bear the cost of sending back, but we will bear the cost of sending the replacement).
3. If the item is rejected without reason or returned, the refund will be deducted for the shipping fee already sent out, and the return shipping fee will be the buyer's responsibility. We do not accept items with a 'pay on arrival' (POA) shipping method.
This product is a gift, and it comes with a one-year warranty. We do not support returns for quality issues. Shipping costs will be shared equally, and the buyer is responsible for the return shipping costs. We will cover the shipping costs for the return. Refusal to accept payment on delivery!
(Due to the large differences in courier and logistics costs between different regions and that we are already offering factory bare price, the quotation does not include after-sales costs. Please understand.)
One box contains 4 units, please order in multiples of 4 for best pricing. For large quantities, we offer preferential prices. For smaller orders, we can send by courier. When placing an order, please communicate with the business to fill in the freight cost. For large quantities, we will use logistics and you can pick up at the freight cost of 0. If you do not fill in the logistics cost, it will be defaulted to logistics self-collection and payment on delivery.
Invoice Instructions:
All commercial activities of this store comply with relevant tax regulations and we actively advocate paying taxes in accordance with the law. The listed prices of all goods sold by this store are before-tax prices. If you need to open an invoice, please contact our customer service for a quote after tax.